
Beta 1 falls

The name of the game is to grab the objectives and hold on for dear life.

Secure and Control Gamma at 1500 points, 2 on 2. Ryan and James (Black Legion and Def Skullz) against myself and Brent (Biel Tan and Dark Angels). The region was Beta 1 in the Forge Primus campaign (of which I've spoken several times) and, for the record, this may have been one of the weightiest games of the entire campaign. You see, "Control Points" (the currency by which participants move forward) are awarded based on several factors. The winner, naturally, gets some points. You also get more points if the players are both campaign participants, if they're in the same region, if it's a megabattle, if it's a grudge match (i.e. part of an ongoing series of games between the same opponents), if there's fluff, and if there's a battle report. We had all of that. You can imagine, therefore, that while the game was friendly, no-one wanted to lose.

In the end, Brent and I held all three objectives (worth 1000 points each) and had significantly whittled down the ranks of the enemy in almost every section of the table. As the game was careening into turns 5 and 6, large numbers of Trukk Boyz, a Warboss, a Painboss and a rhino full of Chaos tac marines were beaten into submission on one flank by assault marines and striking scorpions. On the other flank, more marines and boyz were beaten back by a Wraithlord, an Attack Bike and lots of gunire, and the central objective was grabbed by a Wraithlord who helped to push out two killa kans an a looted leman russ.

The Chaos/Ork side was not without its victories, however; a lot of Dark Reapers bit the dust, a lot of weapons were blown off of Wave Serpents, and my D-Cannons were driven off the table before they fired a single shot. One of the biggest speed bumps for them, however, was early in the game when an errant squad of killa kans wandered right into the perfect position to block several volleys of fire from a Havoc squad. I think that if those guys had gotten more shots off in that first turn (especially with the Kans later getting immobilized and stuck in that position which blocked the firing lane), things might have been brighter for the enemy team.

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