
In All His Wraithbone Glory

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This is my Wraithlord. There are many like him, but this one is mine.

I'm debating whether or not I should start adding the runes and details. On the one hand, I know it'd look so fantastic. On the other hand, well... you know. A lot of work.


Jessica said...

Let there be runes!

SHERPA said...
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SHERPA said...

To rune, or not to rune – That is the question; Whether ‘tis nobler to stay in the pure of the Wraithbone, or to be tainted through markings and symbols. That is the dilemma? Personally, I would leave the lord alone and wraithbone pure, and work only on the banners. Simon

Egyptoid said...

nicely done sir.

yes, Marneus Calgar is many many things.

Egyptoid said...

nicely done sir.

Cam said...

Been kinda quiet over here for a while Orbital. Oh well, you'll wake up eventually.
: D